We are a grassroots group of community based individuals determined to preserve the stories of the remaining Holocaust Survivors. There are only a few years left in which Holocaust Survivors will be able to travel to Poland. Our mission is to send as many people to Poland in the next 5 years to ensure that their stories are told and their memories preserved. Fundamental to our goal will be to inspire the participants to be active, involved and engaged in the Jewish community upon their return.
We find our inspiration by being in the presence of Holocaust Survivors. The life experiences that shaped who they became make us all lead better & more inspired lives. We are committed to ensuring you experience the same feeling we have. Please join us in our mission.
Isaac Osiel
COMMITTEE: Natalie Anteby, Victor Arrobas, Shelley Fine, Aaron Rosenthal, Miles Rubinoff, Gisela Slotinsky, Benzion Zlotnick
Our Trip Provider
We are very fortunate to be partnering with JROOTS. JROOTS handles all our trip logistics so that participants can focus exclusively on absorbing the once in a lifetime experience. Through powerful educational journeys to places of enormous historic significance to our people, the link is forged forever.